What is PRP treatment for Hair

The full form of PRP is Platelet rich plasma.This procedure is done to men and women who are experiencing hair fall or hair thinning.In PRP your blood is withdrawn from your body and after centrifuge it will be injected into your scalp to reduce hair fall and to regrow hair.

Procedure for PRP :

1)The procedure is mainly done by the dermatologist.On the first appointment the doctor inspects your hair quality and will ask you questions about your eating habits ,family history of hair fa    problems and the amount of hair growth you are expecting.Then,he will advice you for the cycle   treatment,it means you will be advised by the doctor to do PRP  treatment for three or five or   sometimes more than that.Usually time frame between cycle is 30 to 40 days . 

2)When you are ready to start the procedure you will taken by team to the laboratory section.Here your blood will be withdrawn (usually the amount is the amount withdrawn is similar to any blood test)for PRP. Your blood will be centrifuged in a machine where your red blood cells will be separated from plasma platelet which will be used for treatment.The laboratory will take around hour for centrifuge .In the mean time, you will be taken to another section where they will wash your hair with a mild shampoo and massage your head a bit,they will also rub an ice pack on the head for a while.

3)You will be taken to doctors room where will ready  with the injection made from your blood along with the instrument.Most of the time no anesthesia is given,not even local.The doctor doesn't directly inject injection directly  in your  head,they have special instrument where the injection is fitted and only a small amount is injected at a time. The doctor will choose different sites on your head depending the amount of hair you have in that area and will inject the solution.Usually, the pain is mild and is bearable ,the doctor will keep checking on you if you are okay ,if it is paining you a little ,if its paining he will massage with the ice pack and will continue the procedure .It  takes around 20 minutes for the procedure.

4)After completing the procedure the doctor will prescribe you a shampoo  and minoxidil spray for your hair.The dermatologist will advice you to not comb or shampoo or oil your hair for 24 hours after the treatment,doctor will usually call after a month or so to check the effect of the treatment and the check up,he might advise you for the second session.


The cost of one PRP session is 2000 to 3000rs in India.
Laboratory charges: 1200rs
Medicines :1000rs

Results of PRP: 

The results of PRP varies from person to person.Some people have gained hair growth and reduction in hair fall after 3 sessions whereas, there are people who have had minimal results even after 5 sessions of PRP treatment.


PRP treatment cannot work for everyone ,there no medical evidence of improved results after PRP.The risk involved in the treatment is minimal and most people do not experience headache or have any complains post procedure .While the cost is average compare to hair transplant,you should go for PRP with an open mind that there is no guarantee that it will work. You do proper research and question to your doctor about doubts without any hesitation before starting the treatment.
