5 Easiest way to To Stop Hair Fall

There are multiple reasons why man and woman are facing hair fall problems even in their 20s .Here are the few ways where you can decrease hair loss or increase hair growth.

1) Stress

     Today, everyone is going through stress it may me about finance, relationships,job,studies.You must keep in mind that there are different stages growth cycles in hair follicle,when a person takes stress ,it impacts growing phase of hair follicles and as a result,they experience slow growth rate and hair thinning and eventually they experience hair loss.There are proven scientific data available where hair loss is linked with the amount of stress the person takes.

 Ways to reduce stress:


             Traveling is a good way to reduce stress,it can be anywhere ,a short route or a long  journey.Ask yourself, have I ever experienced stress whenever I travel,the answer would be no ,9 out of 10 times.

2. Watch movies or shows.

             The number  of shows and movies available online and tv are more compare to a decade a ago.Relax and treat yourself well after  a long stressful day and watch a good movie with your loved one.

3. Learn a new hobby.

            It can be any hobby ,singing,dancing, swimming. This activities will make you feel better and it will help you forget your worries and tension at-least for a while. 

2) Nutrients

      Yes, our hair doesn't experience pain when we cut it or fold it but it needs enough nutrients to grow well and shine through the day. Unfortunately,the availability and the preferences of people across all section of society about food is that they like junk food more.
        Learn a about foods with various vitamins and minerals through internet or by reading a book on nutrition.Once you will gain a knowledge, you will be able to manage your intake well .One think to remember here is that eating more does not mean more nutrition ,eating food which has a good amount of vitamin is the way to go. Food should be rich iron,biotin and omega-3 .

3) Hydration

         We underestimate the power of  drinking good amount of water ,it has lot benefits and one benefit is that it helps the hair follicles to stay hydrated.
         You  should set reminders on your mobile phones to drink water regularly when you are working or you are traveling.Take a water bottle with you and cover you head from heat to stay hydrated.
There are apps available on mobile to keep a track on your water intake.

such apps can very useful to keep a check on your low water intake which in turn harms your hair.


        Messaging your scalp helps to increase the blood through the hair follicles ,this way your scalps  gets more amount of nutrients in follicles and they decrease hair fall and increase hair gain.
Massaging can be done with or without oil, ofcourse  using oil is a better option because it  helps to reach all the elements to hair follicles for the hair to grow.One thing to keep in mind is that never message with palm ,only use fingerstips.


       Hair should be cleaned regularly with a mild shampoo.Soap should never be used to shampoo your hair because it contains high amount of SLS which is harmful for hair follicles.Most shampoos available in the market have lot of chemicals,preservatives and colors  and therefore they should be avoided and only organic shampoo should be used which are easily available online. 
